Monday, October 24, 2011

Music As A Ministry?

Those of you who followed our family blog during our 2008/2009 stay in Jos remember Gwakman, whom we more or less adopted throughout the year. Gwakman spent the night at my house on Saturday night, and in the morning attended Hillcrest chapel with me to watch me drum. My hope is for Gwakman to be a part of my ministry here in Jos. Talking with Gwakman, I found out that he is interested in learning drums. I spent the next half hour teaching him basics about music and rhythm, and I provided him with a pair of sticks and a practice sheet. The drum lesson opened up further discussion and gives me a great reason to get Gwakman to come over on a regular basis. I am happy to see that God is using my musical skills here in Jos!
My work with Sports Friends continues to progress as well. Sometime in November I will be traveling for three or four days into far northern Nigeria, where Christians are few, and where animistic religions and Islam thrive. We have yet to work out the details, but I am sure I will be involved with a camp of some sort. I also received an update on the Thailand trip in January! The Sports Friend international conference will partially a celebration of the ten year anniversary of the ministry, but also a chance to reflect over the work accomplished over the years and plan for the future. This will also be a chance for me to receive some leadership training and mentoring skills, so it will be a chance for me to grow as well.
Traveling by taxi has become a problem for me lately. Most of my work is in the early morning or ends in the late afternoon/evening, and SIM missionaries are not allowed to use motorcycle taxis for safety reasons. On Wednesday I started searching for a car and found one almost immediately! I will be renting the car for a reasonable price, and I will be getting the car anytime this week. Definitely a quick answer to prayers.  
One last thing, I got sick on Thursday and I am still trying to recover at this point. If you could be praying that would be great! Thanks all!

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