Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sports Ministry in Lagos

I've been in Lagos for the past two weeks spending time and practicing with Threadstone. As far as the band goes, we haven't had as much activity as usual, but I have been able to stay busy with sports friends. This week there was a sports ministry coalition conference here in Lagos. Kyle Abts flew in for the event, and we were able to attend together. On the fist day I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be a week for sports ministry leaders to get away for a week for rest and spiritual growth. Kyle and I seemed to be attending as guests of honor since we were seated at the front. Kyle spoke for part of the session, but had to leave early to fly back to Jos. Two days later I came back to attend again, but the main speaker, Hillary, asked me to speak for forty-five minutes! With just a few minutes to prepare, I managed to speak for half an hour about taking opportunities and the way God works through us. I would appreciate it if you could all be praying for wisdom for me because as a missionary, I am often placed in the position to teach people who are much older than me. Thanks for the prayers, and thanks for reading!

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